When you use the Adbiyas Tour website, we are committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information you give us. This Privacy Statement explains how we handle any personal data we learn about you via your visit to www.adbiyastour.com
Our capacity to deliver excellent service is based on knowledge, but our most valuable resource is the trust of our customers. At Adbiyas tour we place a high value on protecting client information and only using it as they would intend.
We collect personally identifiable information including your name, address, phone number, and email address. We never purposefully gather personal data from children under the age of thirteen.
We collect information about your computer and browsing patterns through cookies and similar technologies.
We use cookie technology to make it easier for visitors and customers to navigate our site. A cookie is a string of data that a website sends to your computer, which it then stores on your hard drive or momentarily in memory.
Access servers house the personally identifiable data we have collected about you. We'll continue to take precautions to ensure the security of these systems and your personally identifiable data.
This privacy statement may vary from time to time. Any changes will be announced here, so be sure to check back frequently. We won't use your personal data in a way that materially violates this Privacy Policy without first getting your permission.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please contact us.